Extremadura (Guadiana River Valley)
Ana Del Rosario Santiago De Roldan (

Maria Dolores Osuna Ruiz (
Most used practices:
Herbicides - False Seedbed

Rice Living Lab

In Spain (Extremadura) we are working in a Living Lab with RICE ES_18. Weed control in rice is very difficult and the knowledge sharing of best practices from innovative farms and research on how to control weed infestations in rice fields is so important. The aim is to stimulate the innovative potential of advanced methodologies for Agroecology Weed Management in rice production, integrating cultural methods that would have to rely heavily upon effective crop competition to maximize control in order to reduce herbicide use (in conventional farms), lower production costs, reduce potential health, non-target and environmental risks, and delay the development of resistance to the few herbicide tools available. The LL RICE_ES18 is located in Guadiana River Valley at CICYTEX investigation centre. The field trial in the LL started in October 2023 when cover crops were sown: avena, barley, and medicago spp. The differences in weed suppression will be measured, and next year rice will be grown on the same field, and several strategies for weed control tested. In September also a soil sample has been taken, for the identification and isolation of beneficial microorganisms. After multiplication, these microorganisms will be used to treat the seeds of the cover crops for the next season, looking for success on cover crops stablishment.