Living Labs

Living Labs

The GOOD Living Labs are open-innovation ecosystems that will co-create with stakeholders, test, evaluate and demonstrate the combined results of several non-chemical and digital solutions for weed management that will run for three growing seasons to create sustainable impact and become the orchestrators among different stakeholder groups (farmers, advisors, industry, consumers, researchers, policymakers). GOOD has established 16 Living Labs in 6 EU pedoclimatic contexts in 9 countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Netherlands, Serbia, Latvia). Experiments encompass the combined application of cover crops with several annual (spring and winter cereals, vegetables, legumes) or permanent (perennial) crops (olives, grapes, fruits) in conventional, organic and mixed farming systems. GOOD-proposed solutions focus on: (i) the use of cover crops for the enhancement of their competitive ability against weeds by means of inoculation with beneficial microorganisms, and (ii) the combination of cover crops with other agroecological weed management methods and digital solutions in an integrated scheme towards the reduction of weed pressure and herbicide use. The Living Labs will continue throughout the project’s duration to create the scope for assessing sustainability and agroecological performance and to enable evidence-based business modelling and policy making. The co-creation activities in GOOD go beyond the implementation in the field and create the conditions for the long-term co-design of agroecological solutions.



















In accordance with the European Union’s designation which is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. ​